A Southern Tradwife

Modern Femininity

Feeling secure in dresses
Beckie Alice Beckie Alice

Feeling secure in dresses

I hope these tips will help you feel more secure in your dresses, but sometimes all you have to do is keep wearing them. It took some time for me to get comfortable with them. I grew up hearing all the things you cannot do in dresses and I'm here to tell you, I have caught chickens, fed chickens, ran after a baby and birthed a baby all in dresses. It can be done if you want to do it. If you haven't made the switch I encourage you to make the leap! Dresses are a simple and quick way to feel feminine and in a way thrifty!

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Give your husband the grace you give yourself
Beckie Alice Beckie Alice

Give your husband the grace you give yourself

 We give ourselves a nearly endless amount of grace, but once we see someone else do those very things we are also guilty of we lose all sense of grace and understanding. Your husband does not disrespect you when he misses your expectations.

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My absence explained!
Beckie Alice Beckie Alice

My absence explained!

I am officially back on the scene! I took some unannounced time off to have a baby. Now I’m back and ready to hit the ground running! My husband and I welcomed a baby girl into our family. A beautiful 8 pound girl with a head full of hair! The heartburn was absolutely worth it. She looks like her daddy, which was no surprise to me, I knew from my cravings of lemon and tomatoes that she would be all pa and very little ma.

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Preserving Eggs
Beckie Alice Beckie Alice

Preserving Eggs

Whether you keep chickens or just tend to buy eggs in bulk; you worry about using them while they are fresh. If you keep chickens for eggs like we do, you may find your self with too many eggs. Here is a list of ways to use up those extra backyard eggs.

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How to Use The Whole Chicken
Beckie Alice Beckie Alice

How to Use The Whole Chicken

Just about everything that goes into, comes out of, and is on a chicken, turkey, or pretty much any bird can be used. It may sound crazy, but it is true! In reality, you may or may not do all of the below chores or appreciate all of the ideas, and that is completely fine. I hope it gives you an idea of how useful birds can be and provide some encouragement to get some of your own!

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Be careful who you air your dirty laundry to
Beckie Alice Beckie Alice

Be careful who you air your dirty laundry to

"Don't air your dirty laundry in public" most of us have heard the saying or a version of the saying in our life time. If you haven't it means to keep your relationship issues between you and the one you are in a relationship with. Do not argue with your spouse in public or complain about each other in public. Keep your marital issues between your husband and yourself.

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Raising Backyard Chickens
Beckie Alice Beckie Alice

Raising Backyard Chickens

So please do your research. You can start with: Benefits of free-range vs fencing them in? Which breeds are suited for my climate? Does your yard get enough sunshine? How much space do you have? Do you want meat birds or egg layers? Are you more concerned about eggs and meat or about a how the chickens appearance?Which breeds are best for meat/eggs/both? All of these questions should be answered before you purchase your chickens. Know which birds you want before purchasing, but leave room for a cute one or two! I cannot resist Americauna’s cute little hawk face and beard!

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Southern Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe
Recipes Beckie Alice Recipes Beckie Alice

Southern Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

Fried Green Tomatoes isn't just an awesome 80s movie that I highly recommend y'all watch; it is also a delicious Southern side item. You can sometimes catch them in local southern restaurants, but I find this side item difficult to pin down regularly in my area. There are only one or two restaurants I know of near us that serves them in the summer. They are possibly not as popular as I like to think they are, but they are worth the try! I used to HATE tomatoes, but I have always been able to snack on fried green tomatoes, so highly recommend no matter how much you love or hate tomatoes. I am going to pass on a traditional fried green tomatoes recipe but also provide a more GI-friendly (Glycemic Index Friendly) option for an easy fried green tomatoes recipe without cornmeal, which is just as delicious!

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