My absence explained!

I am officially back on the scene! I took some unannounced time off to have a baby. Now I’m back and ready to hit the ground running! My husband and I welcomed a baby girl into our family. A beautiful 8 pound girl with a head full of hair! The heartburn was absolutely worth it. She looks like her daddy, which was no surprise to me, I knew from my cravings of lemon and tomatoes that she would be all pa and very little ma.

It is so surreal to be parents, but we are loving every confusing, sleep depriving moment of it. I have learned that diaper rash happens fast, things do not always go as you planned, and most important of all; when it comes to kids no matter how much education or how much experience someone has, no one knows what they are doing and we are all just parents trying to do our best.

While we are on the topic of parenthood, childbirth, and pregnancy, I thought I would give some encouragement to those terrified of pregnancy and childbirth. I want to and will write a more detailed post about my pregnancy journey, but for today I just want to focus on offering encouragement to any soon to be or hope to be moms out there.

Not every pregnancy is the same! Meaning all of the horror stories you hear (and you will hear A LOT of them when you tell people you’re trying and when searching) are not necessarily going to be your experience. Some women love being pregnant and some are blessed to have easy pregnancies and births. Just because a friend or family member had a hard time does not mean you will.

I want to share my experience in the near future simply because almost every story I heard was a horror story, I was blessed with a fairly easy pregnancy and I want to share the story as encouragement to women out there afraid to get pregnant. I was TERRIFIED by what I read and what I was told when other women found out my husband and I wanted to have a baby.

I know, without a doubt, some women will read my experience and hear it as me bragging and that is my cross to bear. Know though, that I feel blessed to have had a healthy pregnancy; I do not feel “proud” for lack of a better word. I think it is important that there are stories out there that show the joys of pregnancy. I fully support women getting pregnant and having babies and I want to help take out some of the fear!

Also, those who are not mothers do not worry that this blog will turn into a mommy blog and not a woman’s blog. I fully intend to keep my focus on the trifecta of women; womanhood, wifehood, and motherhood. All 3 aspects of being a traditional woman are equally important to me.

I am so glad to be back and I cannot wait to share my full journey with y’all


Ways to care for your husband


Preserving Eggs