A passion for traditional roles

I am the wife of an amazing man with 3 fur babies and 20+ birds, and a little girl on the way. We live in South Carolina on less than a quarter acre in the suburbs. I have a passion for my husband and the traditional feminine role as set by God. I believe God calls women to be the caregiver of their families and to protect that family and our role as women. To be clear I do not believe God calls us to be weak, but to be the backbone of our families. I aspire to be the backbone of my family while being a lady and allowing my husband to fulfill his role as a man of God. 

I work full time, cook from scratch (as much/often as possible), and take care of my husband and our family. I hope to share my journey with you, offer tips that will hopefully help you though your own journey; or at least help shake off some of the stigma of traditional wifedom. It is not easy to switch from a worldly point of view to a traditional and Godly point of view and I am just finding my feet as a traditional wife, woman, and soon to be new mom. I hope you will join me on this journey of living as a proud Trad wife!

What I hope you will take away from this blog;

  • What it means to be a traditional woman and wife.

  • Journey with me as I work on our families self sufficiency.

  • Yummy recipes for the dieting woman or anyone really!